Monday, March 19, 2012

The Language of Song

Song: Sweet Float Flats by Manbo

Living on the top floor of an apartment without an elevator is tough. Actually, there is an elevator, physically speaking, but in this particular apartment, people who get some exercise and walk down the entire 10 stories just seem to have a longer life expectancy. Besides, Bob uses it as a transport for produce. I heard his mushrooms grant extra lives.

On the ninth floor are all of the tenants who came before the newest ones. They seem to trickle down based on age, and the newer and younger ones always get the worst conditions; which would be the tenth floor, of course.

The stairs leading down from the eighth to the seventh floor are missing, and has been missing more and more for quite some time. People say that one of the residents likes to use the bricks from the stairs to hit cars from below. They say that he's an environmentalist. He sounds a lot like karma.

The seventh floor was quite a lucky floor. It managed to even get out of the apartment in one piece. So now people use ladders to climb up to floor eight.

On the sixth floor live the most pretentious people. The air is saturated with a mix of all sorts of perfume from rooms 601 to 602 to 603 and from yesterday to last week to last month. The smell hangs off of the walls almost more brightly than the decorations that contrast the walls so well with the whole rest of the building.

The fifth floor hosts not-quite-legal-but-almost-acceptable dog fights and other tournaments and I hear that the people there are really enthusiastic about animals. They even donate whatever resources they have to spare to the local animal physiology clinic so that animals may one day be better treated for injuries and things.

The fourth floor is a fairly mundane floor. The people there are only ever interested in cars, but only when they are not threatening the tenant on the eighth floor. Actually, the people on the fourth floor are actually very rich from dealings with the mafia, and their cars are worth more than their homes, which is why I have no idea why they still live here.

Nobody cares about the third floor.

The second floor is a terrible place for the people on the tenth floor to walk through. It kind of just signifies either the almost-but-not-quite end of an unnecessarily long trek down, or the point of no return of an impossible journey up. To top it all off, the elders who live on the first floor are terrible people who are laughing on the inside at all the top floor people and don't have to walk anywhere and I hope they move out soon.

I'm sure I'll get to the first floor eventually. For now, maybe there are friends to be found here. I'm sure there's  something good in everything. Except the people on floor one. They need to move out. Soon.

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