Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bucket List

1. Write a whole entire story, and not just ten paragraphs between five different stories.

2. Visiting Europe again would be really nice. There's lots of food and places to go and fresh air and food. There is a lot of food. It's a great place.

3. Buy a cat. Cats are great. They give people allergies and they can destroy furniture and cover everything in cat hair and take up valuable resources while returning only waste and fur. And they can flip over in midair when you throw them out of a tree upside down.

4. Write code for a videogame. Programming is fun, and videogames are fun, so writing a code would be, like, double the fun. Which is why it's weird that learning how to code games is not fun at all, but it's still a goal.

5. Have another Tim Horton's toasted bagel with cream cheese and iced coffee for breakfast. I've only ever seen them in Canada though.

6. Get to the highest level of the online games I am currently playing.

7. Learn how to make dumplings that aren't square. It is actually not easy to make dumplings. I learned that pretty quickly.

8. Finish watching all the TV series on my to-do list.

9. Invent a trading card game. The easiest kind of game to make, and possibly the genre of games with the best business model as well. Any time money is running low, you can just make more cards and people will just keep buying.

10. Find a job and earn money. Money is good. I like money. I think making money is a good goal to have. Then I can buy cool things and feel successful.

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