Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This article blogs about the anticipation of one gamer for the upcoming release of the popular video-game Battlefield 3. He has already played the open beta on "two systems the Xbox and PC", and has a very good understanding of how the game differs on consoles and PCs. Butler, the blogger, admits to not having much PC experience, but will buy the game for PC when it is released. Much of the article is, quite obviously, made of opinions, but the author definitely has a lot of experience with the game. One thing I find questionable was the fact that he claimed a certain glitch, "the one in the video above", to be the most annoying of glitches and then later on states that it actually "never happened to [Butler himself]". I find it really tough to believe secondhand information, especially on the internet and about video-games. People quite often tend to exaggerate and make up excuses as to why they lost. He also talked about hacks being found "already", but in a day and age like this one, that's unsurprising. He does give many bits of useful knowledge, and I don't think anything else could be too inconsistent.

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